Publish Your Book with MedMantra, LLC - USA Book Publisher



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New England Journal of Natural Sciences, Biology & Medicine

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Heading 1" tag="h1" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#170d82" appearing_animation="slide_from_top" appearing_animation_speed="slow" ]Become an Author Now Without Writing a Word![/pb_heading][pb_carousel el_title="Carousel 1" align="center" dimension_width="90" dimension_width_unit="%" dimension_height="200" show_indicator="no" show_arrows="yes" automatic_cycling="yes" cycling_interval="5" pause_mouseover="yes" appearing_animation="0" ][pb_carousel_item heading="STEP 1: Select a book title from our list" ]

We have an exhaustive list of book titles from health, medicine, alternative medicine, fitness, psychology, and more life sciences related categories. Select one of the titles of your choice.

[/pb_carousel_item][pb_carousel_item heading="STEP 2: Make payment" ]

Make payment through PayPal.

[/pb_carousel_item][pb_carousel_item heading="STEP 3: Make changes in the manuscript, if any." ]

As soon as you select the book title and make payment, we send you the entire book manuscript. You must read the entire manuscript. Although not compulsory, if you wish, you may suggest any changes in the text. You may also submit images/photos that you want to be published. The copyright of the images/photos must belong to you. Send back the edited manuscript and suggested changes to us.

[/pb_carousel_item][pb_carousel_item heading="STEP 4: Our expert authors will rewrite the entire book to make it 100% plagiarism-free and 100% legal." ]

Our expert authors will rewrite the entire book taking into consideration the changes suggested by you, to make it 100% plagiarism-free and 100% legal. We will transfer full content copyright to you. You will be the author of the book and the copyright will belong to you.
